Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All About Celie

Little Cecilia Madeline turned 1 on May 25th, and true to stereotypical second child convention, the observation of her birthday (in a more public forum) was eclipsed by other events, mainly Family Road Trip Downward Spiral and Interstate Highway Urination Adventure.  Now, after a whole year of brightening our world, she is long overdue for a little blog attention and a letter to her Future Self from her Present Mommy.  Especially since today she walked on her own for the very first time, it seems apropos.
Dear Cecilia,
Sweet girl, how has it been a year – in fact, almost 13 months by now?  By the time you read this letter yourself, I’ll be wondering how an entire childhood could have passed before my eyes, leaving in its wake so many memories but only enough physical evidence to fit in several photo albums and a hope chest. 
Today you took your first steps!  You’ve been toddling along for weeks with the help of my two hands, then my one hand, then my one finger, and then with nothing except a whole lot of enthusiasm, top-heaviness, and gravity (not a recipe for success; the resulting physical flails are inadmissible as a milestone claims).  But TODAY, in your room just before bedtime, while wearing your striped pajamas that say “little sister” on them, you couldn’t stop giggling as you walked back and forth between Ellen and me, over and over.  I’m sure Ellen’s and my excessive cheering and clapping (not to mention Ellen’s exuberant shriek of “THIS MAKES ME THE HAPPIEST BIG SISTER IN THE WORLD!!”) helped motivate your decision to keep doing it and doing it (and to be so happy about it), but there’s no doubt that you were completely upright and balancing all on your own. 
It’s a cliché, but this milestone really and truly feels like we’re moving into a new day, you and I.  We had a rough first year together – a lot of happiness of course, but also a lot of challenges and struggles.  The transition from one child to two children would have been hard enough on its own, but when you factor in some pretty severe post-partum depression (all me), and some pretty severe colic/acid reflux (all you, hon)…your entry into the family was like the perfect storm.
Now after a year, I think we’ve got our bearings.  Your personality is shining through, and I’m a slightly less raving lunatic than I was immediately after your arrival.  You are very active (have been since before you were born, in fact), and it’s clear that you learn about your world through movement and touch.  Your dancing moves (so far limited to the seated bounce) begin as soon as any music comes on.  You show love with snuggles and hugs – we scoop you up and you nestle your little head right on our shoulders and pat our backs.  You love dogs and point them out (“Da! Da! Da!”) whenever you see one – including Addie, which keeps you busy since she lives with us.
Soon, when Charlie arrives, you won’t be the youngest of the cousins anymore.  I think you are on track to walk, all on your own, down the hall at the hospital to meet him for the first time.  So many more memories are about to be made, and with the building of each one, you become more and more the person that you already are – Sweet Cecilia Madeline, cherished daughter.            
Little One, you are so loved.

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