Saturday, November 12, 2011

Just Here to Help the Teacher

Ellen loves art.  If you ask her, she doesn’t just love art, she is “an artist.”  To nurture this budding interest, I enrolled her in an Abrakadoodle preschool art class through St. Louis Park Parks and Rec.  So far it’s great.  Parents and kids do messy art projects together, and get to explore mediums other than old favorites like crayons and markers. 
Our first class began with all the kids sitting in a circle in front of their teacher, Miss Michelle.  After singing “hello” to one another, then reading a story, Miss Michelle gave a word of advice:
“Okay, friends, let’s go make our first project!  Remember, if any of you ever have any questions about art, or about what we’re doing, you can just raise your hand and say ‘Miss Michelle, I have a question!’ Don’t be shy!”
At this point, Ellen raised her hand.  Miss Michelle looked her way and gave an expectant nod and smile.
Ellen lowered her hand and said:
“I don’t think I’ll have any questions, since I’m already an artist.” 
All the moms quietly laughed, and Miss Michelle (bless her) deadpanned:
“You are?  Well, I am VERY glad you are in this class.”  

Owl - with oil pastels, paper, glue, and feathers

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